If you’re unfamiliar with Windows Core OS (WCOS), it is a modular version of Windows 10. By creating a modular Windows experience, Microsoft can put the full power of Windows 10 on any device. WCOS will provide Microsoft with a platform that will work on mobile devices and PCs alike. Users on smartphones will be able to receive a full Windows 10 PC-quality experience. As the platform would be expanding across form factors, it makes sense some aspects of Windows 10 will look different. It seems the Action Center will be among them. Boliang Dai, a Software Engineer for Microsoft, discussed his work on WCOS subtly through his LinkedIn profile. Spotted by Windows Latest, the profile shows one of his roles at Redmond is Software Engineer on Windows Shell. In this role, he helps “Develop the Windows Core OS (WCOS) variation of Action Center.” Sure, two plus two does not always make four, but in this case the evidence seems obvious.

Development Ongoing

Earlier this year, Microsoft took to LinkedIn to seek staff to work on the development of Windows Core OS. According to the LinkedIn job posting, Windows Core will leverage Microsoft’s machine learning tools to provide security. “Improved the security posture of Windows Open Source Components through initiatives that investigate vulnerabilities found and establish a process for remediation. Improved the overall Program Management skill set, communication, and collaboration throughout the WDG IS organization,” the description of the profile notes.

Microsoft Developing Windows Core OS with New Action Center - 5Microsoft Developing Windows Core OS with New Action Center - 94Microsoft Developing Windows Core OS with New Action Center - 5Microsoft Developing Windows Core OS with New Action Center - 65Microsoft Developing Windows Core OS with New Action Center - 9